My best buddy
If you met me or read this blog, you would think that you knew me.
You would probably think that
1) I have a narrow view of the world
2) I was sheltered as a child
3) I am a bigot
But here are the facts:
1) I seriously considered leaving the Catholic Church as a teenager because it was too liberal. But then I learned more about it through reading.
2) I love homosexual, techno music. I used to run the fansite on MySpace for Erasure... I had over 50,000 page hits in the one year I operated it. (not kidding) Some of them were quite friendly and we would talk. For a while there, I think I could have had a free place to stay in Wales, Spain, London, L.A., Seattle, and Paris just from my MySpace Erasure site. Then I was shut down by Mute Records in 2006. I think Andy Bell has the most incredible voice on the planet.
3) I was sort of goth in high school for the majority of the 10th grade - but back then we weren't "creepy goth" but "pretty goth" with flowing long dark skirts, heavy red lipstick, and lots of black and dangley earrings with moons and little Merlins. I had my hair shaved up the back of my neck and dyed my hair "plum" with some L'oreal temporary stuff that lasted about 5 months. I couldn't wear red for the better part of a year because it would clash with my hair. Then in 11th grade I turned "hippie" with dangley earrings with little earths and gypsy beads and tie dyed shirts and Jesus sandals and crazy, curly, natural hair. I shopped fairly exclusively at thrift stores and wore lots of men's blazers in weird plaids with t-shirts.
4) I grew up marching and carrying picket signs against abortion and for home schooling.
I knew how to construct a picket signs for a crowd of thirty before I was 12.
5) I actually went lobbying in the State of Texas capitol when I was 13. I worked in the 1984 Presidential campaign and probably canvassed 5000 cars and houses with fliers that year.
That same year, I ate pretzels at Dick Armey's office (former US House Majority Leader) and talked to him about home schooling back when that was still a dirty word. By the time I was 14 I had sat in more politician's offices than actual years I had been alive.
6) I stood outside an abortion clinic with a picket sign when I was 11 and 12, 13, 14 and 15.
7) I have been to numerous car stereo competitions as a teenager and can install a "kickin' system"..... and it's NOT because I am Mexican.... because back then, there weren't any of those at the stereo competitions. I even know how to "port a box".
8) I can cuss in Vietnamese and German.
9) I have given my last Snickers bar to jungle children in an Andean rain forest.
10) I have been to so many AA meetings that I can't count them.
11) I have bailed someone out of jail.
12) I know how to suture skin and at can do at least 5 suturing stitches as I was trained by a Brazilian plastic surgeon. I have seen a decapitated human head in a kitchen freezer. (kept by the Brazilian plastic surgeon--- not my own freezer (ew)) Human heads are heavy, btw.
13) I have bungee jumped.
14) My best buddy isn't even Christian-- but what I would have to call "pagan".
What's surprising.... (even to me) that my life now, is relatively boring in comparison to my past.