Thursday, December 6, 2007

There's Gas in Them There, er, Neighborhoods.......

Tonight in my geology class we were all a-buzz over Debbie's deal with Carrizo Oil and Gas.

Urban gas drilling is what everyone is talking about here in Dallas-Fort Worth. Her neighborhood in Pantego held out and was offered, finally, $15,000.00 per acre and 25% royalties on production.

Damn. Is what we all said.

I asked her where she lived and it is only about 1.5 miles from my house. I wondered why I hadn't gotten a lease offer.

Then it happened.

When I got home, there was a letter in my mailbox from the Permian Land Company.

Inside the letter I was offered $15,311.00 per acre and 25% royalties on production and the offer to extend a three year lease for two additional years for $10,000.00.

Giddy up.

Let's start negotiating.

Preeeeety good for a starting offer.

Let's hear from the other fellas now.

Gotta love Texas!
Go see the gas deposits in the CORE area = my neighborhood! Click Here and scroll down to Barnett Shale!

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